Anxiety, Depression & Grief Counseling in Dublin — Sandymount Psychotherapy in Dublin

Free Tools for coping with anxiety in the time of Coronavirus

Anxiety and Depression

  • Do you feel down most of the time?

  • Do you have trouble doing activities you used to find enjoyable?

  • Are you overwhelmed by fear?

  • Do you experience racing thoughts that cause you chronic worry?

Maybe you find yourself experiencing more anger and irritability than in the past, or having less energyunable to sleep or sleeping all the time

Everyone feels sad or anxious once in awhile. The idea that if you aren’t happy all the time, then you’re doing something wrong, just sets you up for disappointment. Life has ups and downs and can be very stressful, but if these thoughts or feelings are what you experience most of the time, then you may be suffering with anxiety or depression.

Anxiety and depression are common conditions and very treatable. Did you know that Anxiety Disorders are the most common mental health problem along with depression, affecting the population of Ireland and Europe. They account for a similar level of stress and disability within society as cancer or heart disease.



Grief is most often associated with the loss of a person, but it is actually a reaction to any type of loss.

Everyone grieves differently.

Some people are able to grieve and then resume their normal lives, while others find it difficult to find any relief from the grief. Just as grief will look different for everyone, so will the process for how you and I will work together. Some people do not need to attend counseling for their grief, but others may experience persistent grief, which is impacting their every day life and overall values. 

Are you overcome by intense sadness? Maybe you are preoccupied with the loss or circumstances surrounding it? Are you intensely angry or bitter? Maybe you are having trouble connecting to the happy memories or avoiding a reminder of the deceased?

Do you need to talk?

When you come to meet either of us, we will spend time building a safe, trusting environment. You will feel accepted and comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings without the worry of being judged.

Your therapist will help you to understand the grief process, and they will work to understand your beliefs around loss. Together you will explore ways to help you manage your symptoms more effectively, and develop new tools to deal with the internal, private events (thoughts, feelings, and memories) which cause you pain.

When the time is right, your therapist will examine your values to discover what it is that you view as most important, and then look for ways that will allow you to start living in accordance with those values. Sometimes in therapy, people have found ways to honor the deceased through this process.

Psychotherapy can help

You are a unique individual, and because of that, there is not one type of therapy that will work for every person. At Sandymount Psychotherapy we work with you differently than we will with any other individual. We will work closely with you to help you understand the underlying causes of anxiety and depression.

We will look at the ways you have tried to deal with these issues in the past, and we’ll uncover the useful tools you have already learned, while helping you to build new and more effective strategies.

Research has shown that anxiety and depression are decreased when people act in ways that are congruent with their values. By getting to know you, and better understanding the world from your point of view, we will work with you to explore what is most important to you and ways in which you can take action to live your life in balance with your values.

Make an appointment

If you would like to make an appointment, fill out the form below or call 0852313476 and we will do our best to get back to you within the next working day.