CBT Tools — Sandymount Psychotherapy in Dublin

Free Tools for coping with anxiety in the time of Coronavirus

Free Tools for Anxiety in the time of Coronavirus

We appreciate that with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic people are feeling increased levels of anxiety. This is understandable - in many ways a novel illness such as Covid-19 is perfect anxiety fuel. We’ve written about it before here, and offer online therapy to anyone who wants to talk.

CBT Worksheets

One of the tools that people find incredibly useful in dealing with anxiety is an ABC Sheet. It’s a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy tool and is very effective in challenging disturbing and intrusive thoughts. What you think determines how you feel and this in turn directly informs your behaviours and actions. This tool will help you challenge and change the unhelpful thoughts at a conscious level which will instantly help you feel more at ease in yourself. If you think about it, the more negative you feel, the more likely you are to perpetuate negative thoughts and this can easily develop into a negative thought cycle. Use an ABC sheet whenever you feel upset, anxious, or when you have acted in a way that you are unhappy with and would like to change.

Download the ABC worksheet.

Next Steps

Worksheets can be very helpful, and can be used as often as you feel the need to. They are one of the tools that we use when working with anxiety, with one-to-one therapy providing a much more comprehensive way of tackling the issue. You can read more about anxiety treatment here. Given the unprecedented changes that are taking place in the world right now, we also want people to know that we offer online therapy. You can read more about it here. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.